• 2023



    Right column is the start offset in seconds

    • 9:00 AM
    • 40 MIN
      • JR MEN 15-18
      • OPEN MEN C
      • +:30
      • MSTR MEN C 35+
      • +:60
      • JR MEN 9-14
      • +:90
      • JR WM 15-18
      • "
      • JR WM 9-14
      • "
    • 10:00 AM
    • 50 MIN
      • OPEN MEN B
      • S SPEED B
      • +:30
      • MSTR MEN B 35+
      • +:60
      • MSTR MEN B 45+
      • +:90
      • MSTR MEN B 55+
      • +:120
    • 11:00 AM
    • 50 MIN
      • MSTR MEN A 35+
      • MSTR MEN A 45+
      • +:30
      • MSTR MEN 55+
      • +:60
      • MSTR MEN A 60+
      • +:90
    • 12:00 PM
    • 20 MIN
      • KIDS 2-8
    • 12:30 PM
    • 20 MIN
    • 1:15 PM
    • 50 MIN
      • ELITE WM A
      • OPEN WM B
      • +:30
      • S SPEED WM
      • "
      • "
      • MSTR WM 35+
      • +:60
      • MSTR WM 45+
      • "
      • MSTR WM 55+
      • "
      • OPEN WM C
      • +:90
    • 2:30 PM
    • 1 HR
      • ELITE MEN A
      • S SPEED A
      • +:30
      • "
   Crest Ranch Christmas Tree Farm  2022

Sun, 29 Oct 2023

CX2: All Hallow's Cross

Crest Ranch Christmas Tree Farm

12200 Empire Grade, Santa Cruz, CA, 95060

Jeff Vander Stucken

Annual Costume Race

The highlight of Surf City All Hallow's Cross is the COSTUME RACE! This is by far the best race to spectate and participate in, so we encourage everybody to join the fun. Put on your best costume and ride one fun lap of the course. There will be a podium with prizes for best costume! Costs only $10.

The Course

Crest Ranch is perched in the forest on top of Bonny Doon Mountain, just 20 minute drive from Santa Cruz. The race course will feature smooth (yes!) fast sections, singletrack descents, run-ups and other fun features.


There will be food for sale on Saturday and Sunday.

Bay Area Super Prestige Series

This race (CX2) is #5 in the 2023 Bay Area Super Prestige series, and contributes to the overall series total. Check out the BASP Cyclocross page for more details.

Singlespeed Cyclocross World Championships

As many of you know, the Surf City crew is also hosting the prestigious SSCXWC here in Santa Cruz on November 12th. To celebrate, we are hosting a BASP omnium points series where the top single speeder from all seven BASP races will receive a special trophy and win the privilege to get the NorCal cx singlespeed champion’s tattoo.


Surf City is a community event and we can't do this without your help! There are a lot of volunteer opportunities available. Please consider lending a hand, you can reach out via the contact form.


Ride what you brought. Most of our courses favor a cross bike, but to minimize barriers of entry to the sport, mountain bikes are allowed, particularly in the beginner categories.


Racers are self-categorized based on age and gender, and categories divide riders into fitness and ability levels.

Cat C

Typically beginners to the sport. You're either completely new to the sport or have ridden a cross bike on training rides, but haven't competed yet.USAC cat 4/5 equivalent.

Cat B

Intermediate to advanced racers in both skillset and fitness. Also considered the "Working Person's" category because the reality of life gets in the away of being competitive at the A level. USAC cat 3 equivalent.

Cat A

The fittest, most experienced riders race this category.USAC cat 1/2 equivalent.


Aged 9 and under, kids usually race a subset of the main race loop, and may do multiple laps depending on course layout. Everything from push bikes to miniature cross bikes with 24" sewups are seen in the kids race, and prizes of fun bags with Clif Kids bars and the occasional medal (no cash or start money, sorry) are awarded to all.

Race Up

Riders can race "up" in category, ie, Masters can race in groups younger than their own, and Juniors can ride with older age groups. All age groups can race in the Open A, B, and C groups.


We're celebrating 45 years of Surf City Cyclocross and 45 years of Rock Lobster Cycles this weekend! Grab yourself a custom jersey by Voler Apparel.

Order deadline: 11/06/2023