• 2024



    Right column is the start offset in seconds

    • 9:00 AM
    • 40 MIN
      • JR MEN 15-18
      • OPEN MEN C
      • +:30
      • MSTR MEN C 35+
      • +:60
      • JR MEN 9-14
      • +:90
      • JR WM 15-18
      • +:120
      • JR WM 9-14
      • "
    • 10:00 AM
    • 50 MIN
      • OPEN MEN B
      • S SPEED B
      • +:30
      • MSTR MEN B 35+
      • +:60
      • MSTR MEN B 45+
      • +:90
      • MSTR MEN B 55+
      • +:120
    • 11:00 AM
    • 50 MIN
      • MSTR MEN A 35+
      • MSTR MEN A 45+
      • +:30
      • MSTR MEN 55+
      • +:60
      • MSTR MEN A 60+
      • +:90
    • 12:00 PM
    • 20 MIN
      • KIDS 2-8
    • 12:30 PM
    • 50 MIN
      • ELITE WM A
      • OPEN WM B
      • +:30
      • S SPEED WM
      • "
      • "
      • MSTR WM 35+
      • +:60
      • MSTR WM 45+
      • "
      • MSTR WM 55+
      • "
      • OPEN WM C
      • +:90
    • 1:30 PM
    • 1 HR
      • ELITE MEN A
      • S SPEED A
      • +:30
      • "
Nate Vahlberg  Antonelli Pond  2019
photo: Ian Stowe

Sun, 06 Oct 2024

CX1: UCSC East Field

University of California Santa Cruz

The base of the run-up at the 1984 National CX Championships, organized by Velo Promo. Source: stevetilford.com

Surf City returns to a multi-weekend series for the first time since 2017! And after a nearly thirty year hiatus, Surf City returns to the University of California Santa Cruz campus. The race will be held at the East Fields athletic complex. This year also marks 40 years since the USA Cycling Cyclocross National Championships were held in Santa Cruz on the UCSC campus.

The Course

With sweeping views of the Monterey Bay, this course will be one for the record books. There will be a mix of fast hardpack, forested single track, runups, and a generous amount of elevation gain per lap.


Park your vehicles in the East Remote Parking Lot on the UCSC campus, which is directly adjacent to the course. Parking is free on weekends.


There will be food trucks on site, and several restaurants within a short distance.

Bay Area Super Prestige Series

This is race #2 of the Bay Area Super Prestige Series and contributes to the overall standing of the five race series.


Surf City is a community event and we can't do this without your help! There are a lot of volunteer opportunities available. Please consider lending a hand, you can reach out via the contact form.

Free Entry for First Timers!

If this is your very first cyclocross race, we're inviting you to join the fun for FREE! You read that correctly: your race is free if you've never raced cyclocross before. First-timers can sign up by sending us a message via the contact form with name, birthday and contact info, or by just showing up on race day.


Online registration is greatly encouraged as it makes things run smoother race day. On-site registration opens at 8:00AM and closes 15 min before each race.

  • No field limits or late fees.
  • Cash and checks only accepted for on-site registration (We're still living in the stone age).
  • Riders under the age of 18 must have an athlete release form signed by a parent or guardian. If you aren't able to register online, please download this form and bring it with you to the event.

Bike Type

Ride what you brought. Most of our courses favor a cross bike, but to minimize barriers of entry to the sport, mountain bikes are allowed, particularly in the beginner categories.


Racers are self-categorized based on age and gender, and categories divide riders into fitness and ability levels. Surf City is a safe and inclusive space for all

Cat C

Typically beginners to the sport. You're either completely new to the sport or have ridden a cross bike on training rides, but haven't competed yet.USAC cat 4/5 equivalent.

Cat B

Intermediate to advanced racers in both skillset and fitness. Also considered the "Working Person's" category because the reality of life gets in the away of being competitive at the A level. USAC cat 3 equivalent.

Cat A

The fittest, most experienced riders race this category.USAC cat 1/2 equivalent.


Aged 9 and under, kids usually race a subset of the main race loop, and may do multiple laps depending on course layout. Everything from push bikes to miniature cross bikes with 24" sewups are seen in the kids race, and prizes of fun bags with Clif Kids bars and the occasional medal (no cash or start money, sorry) are awarded to all.

Race Up

Riders can race "up" in category, ie, Masters can race in groups younger than their own, and Juniors can ride with older age groups. All age groups can race in the Open A, B, and C groups.

Fine Print

  • Open and mens fields are open to all racers, men, women and non-binary
  • Women's races are open to all cis-women, trans-women and non-binary racers
  • Non-elite althetes (B, C, Masters) may self-select the field that best fits with their gender identity, or that the feel is most appropriate for competetive purposes.
  • Elite athletes (A's) may participate in the gendered field which is most athletically appropriate, as determinited by OBRA and USA Cycling transgender athlete participation policies on elite competition
Please note that this is not perfect and our language is still evolving. We are doing what we can to include everyone who does not benefit from cis-male privilege and we are all better because of inclusion